Notification to Residents from Wandsworth Borough Council Lift Section – Lift H114 – Out of Order

Dear Residents

We apologise for Lift H114 being removed from service.  The contractor found Floor Level Fault.

The contractor has provided a provisional return to service date of 5/11/24 although depending on the nature of the fault the lift may remain out of service for longer than expected.

The lift will either be returned to service on this date or further notification will be provided depending on the findings of the investigation.

Please accept our sincere apologies for the disruption and inconvenience caused by this unfortunate situation, we are working towards resolving this as quickly as possible.

In the event of an emergency please contact Emergency Control on 020 8871 7583 (24 hours).

The lift department can be contacted on 020 8871 7042 Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 5.00 pm.

Yours faithfully

S Skipp/ Lift Engineer”

Cost of Living events – Wandsworth Borough Council – collect pack this Wednesday 30th October 2024

Dear Residents

Please find below link to events in the Borough to support residents with the cost of living.

Collect your free warm homes pack

To support residents through the winter months as the cost of energy continues to rise, we have funded the distribution of warm homes packs, which is estimated to save the average household around £200 a year.

Cost of Living events – Wandsworth Borough Council

For and on behalf of Goulden House Co-Operative Ltd

Goulden House Estate Staff

Notification from Transport for London – Battersea Bridge safety improvements scheme: Works to start from 1st November 2024

Dear Resident

Please click on the link below for details with regard to Transport for London notification to advise that from 1st November 2024 they plan to start building the Battersea Bridge safety improvements scheme, which they consulted on between November 2022 and January 2023.

For and on behalf of Goulden House Co-Operative Ltd

Goulden House Estate Staff



The Goulden House Ball Court will be closed by Estate Staff daily at 4.45 pm, Monday through to Friday and by Wandsworth Borough Council on Saturdays and Sundays, these timings will become effective from Monday 4th November and will remain in place until Spring (February), the latter when the brighter evenings return and in compliance with the Terms of Use during the Autumn and Winter months.

We would ask that if you are using the Ball Court at 4.45, when Estate Staff are closing the Ball Court, that you leave the Ball Court when requested by Estate Office Staff.

Your assistance with the above, is very much appreciated in advance.

For and on behalf of Goulden House Co-Operative Ltd

Goulden House Estate Staff

Notice to Ball Court Users – 28th October 2024

Notification from Wandsworth Borough Council Head of Lift Services Ref. H114 Lift Shutdown

Goulden House [1-269]

Winders Road


SW11 3HF

WBC Ref: H114 Lift Shutdown

I am writing to address the breakdown that occurred on 16th October 2024, and to extend my sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

The breakdown was traced back to defective pencil switches located on top of the lift car. Our lift contractor promptly contacted the manufacturer to report the incident and ordered replacement parts to rectify the situation. The contractor has advised that the new pencil switches have been installed however when testing the lift, a secondary fault was identified, and they have requested the assistance from their technician.

We have been informed that their technician has been scheduled in to visit site on Monday 28th October 2024 to continue with their investigation.

Please note when a lift defect related to the new equipment is identified during a breakdown, the contractor works closely with the manufacturers. They provide feedback to help determine the cause of the fault and ensure the necessary adjustments are made to reduce the frequency of breakdowns.  Any breakdowns recorded during the 12-month defects liability period relating to the new equipment will not be chargeable.

Due to the complex mechanical nature of lifts, breakdowns are, unfortunately, inevitable. Even after a thorough examination has been carried out, lift breakdowns may still occur due to various reasons such as door malfunctions, electrical faults, mechanical wear and tear, misuse and overloading or environmental factors.

The other two lifts (H115 & H116) have undergone thorough tested and are fully functional.

We deeply regret any inconvenience this breakdown is causing and appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to resolve this matter.

If the event of an emergency, please can you contact Joint Control Centre on 020 8871 7490 which is staffed 24 hours/7days a week.

The lift department can be contacted on 020 8871 7042 Monday to Friday between the hours of 9.00am to 5.00pm

Yours faithfully

Warren Griffith

Head of Lift Services

Goulden House – Residents Letter 24th October 2024


Notification to Residents from Wandsworth Borough Council Lift Section Re Lift H114 (Entrance A)

Dear Residents,

As you are aware the lift within your block (lift H114) has been shut down since 16th October 2024. The engineer attended to the reported lift breakdown to investigate. Whilst the engineer was on site carrying out the investigation it was determined that there was a fault with one of the shaft pencil switches.

The lift contractor has ordered a replacement and is expecting to take delivery and return to site on 24th October 2024 to install and all being well, return the lift to service.

We apologise for the disruption and inconvenience caused, we are endeavouring to return the lift to service as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation during these works.

In the event of an emergency please contact the Joint Control Centre (JCC) on 020 8871 7490 (24 hours)

The lift department can be contacted on 020 8871 7042 Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 5.00pm

Yours faithfully

Skipp Lift Engineer

CC M. Clarke  Senior Lift Engineer.

H114 Goulden 21st October 2024

Notification to Residents from Wandsworth Borough Council Lift Section – H114 Lift A – Out of Order

Notification from Wandsworth Borough Council,  Lift Section

“Dear Residents

We apologise for Lift H114 being removed from service.  The contractor found Faulty Pencil Switch.

The contractor has provided a provisional return to service of 22/10/24 although depending on the nature of the fault the lift may remain out of service for longer than expected.

The lift will either be returned to service on this date or further notification will be provided depending on the findings of the investigation.

Please accept our sincere apologies for the disruption and inconvenience caused by this unfortunate situation, we are working towards resolving this as quickly as possible.

In the event of an emergency please contact Emergency Control on 020 8871 7583 (24 hours).

The lift department can be contacted on 020 8871 7042 Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 5.00 pm.

Yours faithfully

S Skipp/ Lift Engineer”

Notice to Residents

This notice is to advise residents of Pestgone’s inspection of the site on 8th October 2024, which is as follows:

Report Summary

Attended site to carry out routine inspection. On today’s visit I was shown around by grounds staff, all green areas, bin areas and communal areas were checked and found to be clear.  No reported Sightings oActivity. I have replenished baits as required and ensured all bait boxes are in good condition.  PestGone will return next month to carry out routine inspection.

For and on behalf of Goulden House Co-Operative Ltd

Goulden House Estate Staff

Notice to Residents – Update from Pestgone’s Inspection of GH on 8th October 2024

Notice to Residents

This notice is to advise residents of Pestgone’s inspection of the site on 24th September 2024, which is as follows:

Report Summary
A routine inspection was carried out today across all areas of the estate including all internal communal areas external grounds bin stores communal gardens sub entries and landings with no further evidence of any recent or ongoing pest activity found. All bait stations have been fully serviced with bait replenished and refreshed where needed good levels of housekeeping and hygiene standards were found during todays inspection. Staff have reported no issues since previous inspection the general upkeep and hygiene standards across the site are to an exceptionally high standard.”

For and on behalf of Goulden House Co-operative Ltd

Estate Office Staff


Wandsworth Borough Council Letter dated 9th September 2024 – Shut Down of Lift H116 (Lift C)


Dear Resident,

We are writing to notify you that lift H116 (Entrance C) was shut down on the 8th September 2024 due to a control panel fault.

On 9th September 2024 the engineer returned to continue with their investigation, whilst testing the lift they had identified a fault within the drive unit. They immediately contacted the controller manufacturer for assistance.

The contractor has advised that they will be returning to site tomorrow (10th) with the assistance from the manufacturers technical team to diagnose and hopefully rectify the fault within the drive unit. Any updates received will be provided to the Goulden House Management Team.

 If the event of an emergency, please can you contact Joint Control Centre on 020 8871 7490 which is fully maned 24 hours/7days a week.

The lift department can be contacted on 020 8871 7042 Monday to Friday between the hours of 9.00am to 5.00pm

We understand the inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience.

Yours faithfully


Warren Griffith

Head of Lift Services

Goulden House – Residents Letter H116 9th September 2024

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