Fly Tipping in Bin Store in Inner Green

Could the resident who has placed the following item in the Bin Store in the Inner Green, please engage with the Estate Office immediately. This is Fly Tipping and a Criminal Offence and carries a large fine as well as a criminal record. Please be advised that this section of the site is covered by CCTV and we will provide the footage to both Wandsworth Borough Council and the Metropolitan Police before close of business today.


Fly Tipping in Bin Store in Inner Green

Please dispose of your bulky waste responsibly and not have other residents pay for your irresponsibility. Please utilise link to Wandsworth Borough Council’s website with regards to the payment and collection of bulk waste:

Met Police: Criminal Damage in Ground Floor and Stairwell of Block C

Goulden House Spring 2023

The Estate Office engaged with the Metropolitan Police today (3rd April) as a result of the following Criminal Damage, Ground Floor, Block C.

The Estate Office have also advised the Police that CCTV was fully operational at the time and engagement has also been made with the Metropolitan Police Crime Management Unit pertaining to the CCTV and their review of the CCTV footage. The Metropolitan Police Crime Reference Number is 0307161/23 for the Criminal Damage and CAD reference number for the anti-social behaviour CAD 1768/03/04/23.

The Metropolitan Police have advised that any resident who sees this type of criminality or drug use/littering on the stairwell, do not approach the individual (s) but call the Metropolitan Police immediately on the 999’s, quoting the above crime/anti-social reference numbers.


Notice: GH NOTICE Met Police Criminal Damage in Ground Floor and Stairwell of Block C

Notice – Gates stolen from Shuttleworth Road and Entrance from Bullen Street to Community Ball Court 27th March 2023

On Friday night (24th March 2023), 3 x gates which serve 3 x sub-entrances on Shuttleworth Road were taken/presumed stolen, these gates had to be cut from their posts. As a result of the notification received pertaining to the 3 gates taken from Shuttleworth Road, I can confirm that the entire site was checked and can confirm that the gates leading from Bullen Street to the Community Ball Court have also been taken, that equates to 5 gates in total.

We have reported this to the Metropolitan Police this morning (27th March), Crime Reference Number CAD Number 0306552 – 23 and to the Insurers, who instructed us to report the theft of the gates immediately to Wandsworth Borough Council, the latter has been done. If you see suspicious activity around the site/close to the gates etc, please call the 999’s immediately and quote the above Crime Reference Number.


Notice: Notice – Gates stolen from Shuttleworth Road and Entrance from Bullen Street to Community Ball Court 27th March 2023

GH Communal Extractor Fans Update from Smith & Byford

Goulden House in Early Spring

GH Estate Office made aware that that a number of flats, in excess of 20, were experiencing issues with their Extractor Fans.

Smith & Byford Engineers (the contractors who maintain the Communal Extractor Fans on behalf of Wandsworth Borough Council),  identified that two of the Communal Extractor Fans needed to be removed from site for repairs to be undertaken.

GH Estate Office engaged with Smith & Byford on Wednesday 22nd March to ascertain when the fans will be back in operation on site and Smith & Byford confirmed that the works will be completed to the 2 x fans on site on Wednesday 29th March.

Telephone Systems Problem – 10 March 2023


There is currently an issue with the connectivity to the Goulden House office which has resulted in the telephone system being offline. This also means the internet is down.

The supplier, BT, has been notified and they are currently working to restore services however BT have advised that it will likely be Monday before an engineer can attend the site.

The office phone number 020 7924 52 13 is being diverted to the estate manager’s personal mobile phone.

For any emergency matters, please call the Wandsworth Council helpline 020 8871 8081

Queries sent via email will be answered on Monday at the latest but some access is being managed via a mobile data connection.

Lift Fault: Entrance C

The lift serving Entrance C is currently out of service following an earlier Lift Trapping.

Lift Engineers have been on site but the Lift C cannot be placed back in service until the Processer fault is addressed.

Lift Engineers are expecting to be back on site in the morning (9 March 2023) to try and rectify the issue.

Extractor Fans Update

We are aware that a number of flats, in excess of 20 flats, are experiencing issues with their Extractor Fans. If any resident is experiencing issues with their Extractor Fans, we ask that you note the following:

Smith & Byford Engineers (the contractors who maintain the Communal Extractor Fans on behalf of Wandsworth Borough Council), attended the site on 28th February to undertake maintenance to the Communal Extractor Fans.  Unfortunately, they identified that two of the Communal Extractor Fans needed to be removed from the Flat Roof and would either be repaired or replaced, the latter would depend on what would be most cost effective.

Smith & Byford have assured us this afternoon (1st March) that they are treating this with the urgency that it deserves.

We will keep the residents informed on any further updates received from Smith & Byford.

Notice: NOTICE TO RESIDENTS – Communal Extractor Fans – 1.3.23

Update on Intercom Digital Pads in Blocks A & C


This notice is to advise residents in Blocks A & C, that the installation of the Intercom Digital Pads were completed in December (2022).

We have a number of residents within Blocks A & C who have yet to provide their telephone numbers for uploading and may we ask that you engage with the Estate Office via email at [email protected] at your earliest opportunity.

Important Note: The contractor who installed the Intercom Digital Pads, as part of the contract, provided Goulden House with a 6 month period of free call-outs, once the Intercom Digital Pads had been installed. The 6-month period runs from 1 January 2023 through to 30th June 2023 and any call-outs after this period will be charged to Goulden House.


Notice: Notice to Residents – Update on Intercom Digital Pads in Blocks A & C 22 February 2023-1

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