Notice to Residents – Increase in Fly Tipping – Goulden House Co-Operative Ltd
The Estate Office can advise that recent letters pertaining to the increase
in Fly Tipping are being ignored by a small percentage of residents.
Please note that when Fly Tipping takes place on site, the cost to remove
these items are taken from the Service Charges and if the current level of
Fly Tipping continues, it will impact on next years’ Service Charges. The
site cannot afford this increase in expenditure, itis unsustainable and so
very unfair to the vast majority of residents who dispose of their refuse
This Notice is to advise that all CCTV images of residents who Fly Tip will
be placed on Notice Boards across the site as of Monday 4th October.
There will be no further warning notices issued.
If you need to dispose of a Bulky Item, please utilise the following link to
Wandsworth Borough Council’s Website/Bulk Waste Removal:
Your compliance with the above is appreciated in advance