Wandsworth Borough Council have issued a letter to all the residents to advise of change to completion dates for Lift H116, which would impact the start and finish dates for Lifts H115 and H114.
The revised completion date for Lift H116 is now 18th December 2023.
For Lift H115 the start date is 3rd January 2024 and finish date 29th March 2024.
For Lift H114 the start date is 1st April 2024 and finish date is 28th June 2024.
If you have any mobility or access issues whilst these works are taking place, please the Co-Op Management Team on 020 7924 5213.
In the event of an emergency, please contact Joint Control Centre on 020 8871 7490 which is fully staffed 24 hours/7 days a week.
The lift department can be contacted on 020 8871 7042 Monday to Friday between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm.